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This is where you and I meet....
in the yearning, in that seeking for understanding yourself better.
The journey requires a letting go of your need for doing, fitting in, and looking for outward validation and instead enjoy being, belonging, and awakening to the deep mysterious world within.
Questions? email me at

Sep 20, 2015

Turning Inward

Deeper connections through meaningful conversation

Dr. Carrasco’s Heart to Heart Conversation

With Rebecca Polvi, Chief happiness Officer at

Connect with Rebecca:

0:045 Thoughts on love

01:05 An honest awakening to choose love

2:00 natural heart song


Sep 6, 2015

Dr. Carrasco’s Heart to Heart Conversation

With Christine Harriger, Owner/Counselor at career View

Connect with Christine:


01:00 Turning inward and listening to the voice without sound that comes from our heart not our head

02:00 We are lovingly held


04;20 It comes back without...