Feb 14, 2022
A meditation master once said if you wear the same clothes every day, eventually, you'll begin to recognize yourself. If you practice Proprioceptive Writing every day, eventually, you'll begin to hear yourself. Trust yourself; you're on the right path. And remember the magic rules for self-trust: Write what you hear, listen to what you write, and be ready to ask the Proprioceptive Question.
Writing the Mind Alive
Looking back over the last decade, I can see more clearly how
the divine discontent I felt wasn't a sign that something was wrong
with me or my life, but instead was simply a signal of my growth
and potential pulling me forward.
I’ve also realized that finding ourselves, recognizing ourselves,
and trusting ourselves is something we learn to do. But we have to
stop thinking and begin doing.
Practice over time helps us learn and unlearn—continuous and
repeated practice, allowing the methods you choose to vary over
In 2017 I became curious about the Proprioceptive Writing
method, but I didn’t establish a practice. Over the last few
months, it's become clear that this practice is the framework for
our next learning journey in Within (U)niveristy.
If you’re seeking ritual, wanting to cultivate a Wisdom Rhythm,
develop a contemplative practice and connect and learn with others,
this experience may be for you.
Our first gathering will be on February 22nd at 7:30 CST, followed by weekly community writes every Tuesday until Holy Week. It’s my bridge from Winter to Spring and a practice I’m looking forward to accompanying me through Lent.
Please join me in Within (U)niversity or reach out to apply for a scholarship if this resonates with you.
Suppose you’d rather dip into the method on your own? In that case, I recommend the book Writing the Mind Alive: The Proprioceptive Method for Finding Your Authentic Voice by Linda Trichter Metcalf and Tobin Simon.
May you be well in all ways,
Interested in diving deeper into my work?
Explore these self-paced & free introductory experiences to the tools and strategies I use to help my clients move from their head to their heart and closer to their true nature here:
If you’re more interested in playing with me and others, consider my online learning platform:
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Questions? Email me at vivian@viviancarrasco.com or schedule a conversation with me here: