May 3, 2015
1:00 Looking for insight through prayer and meditation
2:10 For me Power is weakness
3:30 Power is in our awareness
4:30 I found my power when I stopped running away from my weaknesses
6:30 Climb up in growth and learning
8:25 Those flashes of learning what is real I have found in love
Quote from Mark neppo: “Weakness in spiritual terms as any habit of mind or heart that prevents us from seeing things exactly as they are or in there entirety or with our entire capacity to feel”.
Dr. Vivian Carrasco
Leadership Coach & Lifestyle Strategist
760-576-LOVE (5683)
Creator of the Love.Being.Human Health and Well-Being Model
Author of the forthcoming book,
The Art of Harmony Within: Integrating Your Intellect, Your Heart Wisdom and Gut Instinct
@viviancarrasco | | Turning Inward Podcast
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