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This is where you and I meet....
in the yearning, in that seeking for understanding yourself better.
The journey requires a letting go of your need for doing, fitting in, and looking for outward validation and instead enjoy being, belonging, and awakening to the deep mysterious world within.
Questions? email me at

Jan 25, 2015

Winter 2015

Season Two Episode 1

Exploring the question, What is Time?


1:50 Time is our only non-renewable resource


2:29 Time is critical in the here and now


6:00 Past, present, and future as it relates to time


8:07 We don’t explore enough as human beings


9:15 Rob Bell: What we talk about when we talk about...

Jan 11, 2015

Vivian shares her personal experience learning the technique of Vipassana Meditation at a ten-day residential course. 


Dr. Vivian Carrasco 

 Leadership Coach& Lifestyle Strategist

 760-576-LOVE (5683)   

  Creator of the Love.Being.Human Health and Well-Being Model 

  Author of the forthcoming book, 

 The Art of...