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This is where you and I meet....
in the yearning, in that seeking for understanding yourself better.
The journey requires a letting go of your need for doing, fitting in, and looking for outward validation and instead enjoy being, belonging, and awakening to the deep mysterious world within.
Questions? email me at

Apr 19, 2015

2:45 We move away from our thinking


3:43 Create from inside to outside


4:55 Nothing on the outside frames us unless we allow it


5:45 You don’t have vision if you are looking backward


7:00 Your best yes


8:50 Made a decision to move towards love


11:40 Turn the knowledge of your body into action

Apr 5, 2015

3:10 Love_Being_Human puts the learner in charge


4:00 Translating the feelings and desires


5:08 Seeing through the cloud


5:25 Everyone has a right to their highest potential


8:05 Love_Being_Human is a tool to become more aware


9:15 Love_Being_Human gives you the framework to reflect


11:06 We...